Sunday, February 6, 2011

“Long Lost Love of Letters”

On this fateful Saturday night in February, 5 of us sat in the living room doing homework, chatting about world politics and religion and history and petroleum. We must have tired rather easily, because next thing we knew, we were assigning colors and personalities to each of the letters of the alphabet. We began sharing with each other our oddball was the nerdiest of Saturday night activities, but we were all amazed by the pastimes, old movies, heroes and elementary school friends that came back to us in association with our old letter friends. Nick encouraged us all to finish the task by saying, “Let it (the letter) hold your hand and walk you down the street of alphabet land.” Here are my responses:

A-red passionate, structured, a-frame, solitary
B-blue obese, elephant, clouds, hippopotamus, hick-like
C-orange, carrots, smiley face, happy-go-lucky, Rabbit from Pooh
D-purple, Trunchbull (the chokie), McGonagall, consumed by the scholarly
E- forest green, goody-two-shoes, perfectionist, braces
F-medium green, Draco Malfoy, rebellious
G-purple Big Momma, Pancake House, polka dots, Dora the Explora!
H-posey purple, husband-like, protective, giving
I-dandelion yellow, independent, nature-lover, skier
J-squash orange, quirky uncle, jello jigglers
K-royal purple, king-like, lover of money, luxurious
L-gold, black sassy girl, janglin’ jewelry, hand-mover
M-ash gray, eyeshadow, prom, Greek mythology, worldly
N-flaming orange, Nascar, naughty, pogs
O-navy blue, military, ocean, strong silent type
P-tickle-me-pink, pampered, fluffy pillows, falls in love easily
Q-red, football, façade, business savvy, latin languages
R-aqua, reader, homey, risk-taking, wanderer
S-red, life of the party, long-haired valley girl
T-bronze, Swiss Family Robinson, George of the Jungle, welcoming
U-inside-of-your-mouth-pink, throat, soulful 40s singer
V-bitter black, Posh Spice, convertible, leather, patronizing
W-blue-gray, grandfatherly, Gandalf, weeping willow, time
X-black, emo, iceberg, eyeliner, plays keyboard, hates v-day
Y-gold, Old Yeller, Appalachia, content, redwood tree
Z-electric blue, New Age music, zippers, nice teeth

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