Sunday, December 12, 2010

Sound Princess? Yes, please.

Well, in my current state of procrastination from finals, I would just like to share with you a little Christmas wish of mine...

Ever sit on a public toilet and wish that no one else was in the bathroom so you could go about your business without anxiety? Ever wish that you had a hand dryer in the stall with you so you could drown out your own human racket with the push of a button? These desires are planted in the best of us.

...And now they can be fulfilled, with the Sound Princess. This Japanese cure-all was brought to my attention just yesterday, when I learned that in Japan, it is utterly embarrassing to be heard urinating, or worse, pooping. Therefore, a Sound Princess is installed in every public toilet stall in order to mask the horrendous sounds of human waste, making the sound of your choice: a flushing toilet sound is the common favorite, so as to be more subtle, but I've been informed that nature sounds are also available in select stalls.

If you are a bashful bathroom user, a paralyzed pooper, a shameful sufferer in the stall, then the Sound Princess might be for you. With a wave of the hand, your cares are flushed away, and water that might have been wasted by a real toilet flush is saved. I know it's on my list.

Now available in stores near you.

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