Monday, June 28, 2010


We are here at Didasko and have already been experiencing so much. Kendra, Carmen, Andrew and I are living with an awesome woman named Rhonda who moved here a year and a half ago from Texas to live at the orphanage and help care for the kids. Us three gals are sharing a room—kinda feels like we’re at camp! Apparently there are lots of tarantulas and cockroaches to look out for, too. :)

The orphanage has been open since 1982 and is very special—for one, because it is not an orphanage in the normal sense of the word, which means that there are kids without parents. Rhonda told us that none of the 27 kids is an orphan in that way; rather, their parents either gave them up, couldn’t take care of them, abused them physically or sexually, or the kids ran away or were found on the streets. They age from 3 to 18. Last night, the 5 of us sat around talking about the people here, the stories.

One of the boys, Brayan, was found tied to the national stadium when he was 2 years old. He still bears a big scar on his wrist and recalls the story as though he remembers everything. He says he was calling after his Mami to come back, but she didn’t turn around. He has really captured my heart--I, as well as the other 3, long to love him so much, because he is someone who the people around here expect to do bad things.

Ada and Maria are sisters with two different moms. At one point, both mothers were living with them and their dad. Maria’s mom, jealous, killed Ada’s mother and poured boiling water on Ada, leaving a scar all down her arm. Knowing she had to leave, Ada ran away and took Maria with her, in search of a police man. Luckily, they found one and ended up here. They are such different kids, but really friendly, fun gals.

A few of the brothers here were living in the dump, picking garbage in order to eat. The oldest was picked up by the police, and because he had been a main caretaker of the younger boys, their mom let them go, too.

Some of the kids here, like Melva, don’t know how old they are. She says a different age between 19 and 22 every time someone asks her how old she is. When Sulema and her brother Kevin were found, she was 4 and a half and he was about 6, but his birth certificate said he was 2 and a half. A lot of these kids are around 11, but have just celebrated their first birthday.

These kids have already been such blessings to us. Of course they've been hurt, and there are learning disabilities, behavior problems, etc...but they are normal, fun-loving kids, and they are wonderful. Tonight, we got to spend a lot of time with them. Although they of course want things for themselves and want to be the first to try everything, they really care about each other deeply. It’s really sweet to see the way they look out for each other. They love cameras, being held and spun around, acting like gangsters and trying to trick us. They definitely assess your espaƱol right away, and if it’s not very good they will try to convince you of all kinds of things. :) I feel like they really do love life here--we're so excited to get to know them all more.

Jorge and Rosa are ‘Mami y Papi’ to the kids, and Rhonda is ‘Rhondita.’ Rhonda told us that the kids come to her when they are hurt or sad. Jorge and Rosa have been here for 18 years and have experienced a lot. Their own kids, Michel and Christian, 25 and 21, grew up with the kids and have never once complained that their parents didn’t spend enough time with or pay enough attention to them. Jorge says he know he missed out on some time with his kids, but that they have all been abundantly blessed by being a part of this mission and the lives of these kids.

The 4 of us will be planning lessons for Rhonda’s English and computer classes for the next 3 weeks—we are a little intimidated, but really excited!! So we gotta get on that.

Also, all of the kids have lice, so we are going to get it without a doubt. We’re already itchin. :)

Kendra had heard that clothing was only appropriate if it covered the knees. She asked Rhonda about it, and Rhonda thought Kendra was asking if knees were promiscuous, when she meant to ask about clothes going past the knees. :) We joked that we were gonna wear bathing suits and knee pads to church. Seria bueno, verdad?
I have loved just being here with Kendra and Carmen and Andrew and Rhonda. It is such a great family.

The other night during prayer, someone asked God that he show us everything, the beautiful, the horrible, all of it. Just that he open our eyes to what is happening here, for his glory and for us to be used by him as his light, his vessels of the highest love.

“Righteous Father, though the world does not know you, I know you, and they know that you have sent me. I have made you known to them, and will continue to make you known in order that the love you have for me may be in them and that I myself may be in them.”

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