Sunday, May 9, 2010


Of being, of been, of what's to be,
This too is a poem about a precious tree, :)
From whose branches I fell in eighty-nine,
An apple not far from the strong, young vine.

This poem is of growth and of change and of love,
Of jokes and hardships and healing thereof,
It's of roots and memories that live in me,
About my mama, about a gal called Dee.

We were throwing stones and cutting our locks,
And peeing in the lego box,
Got us soap in the mouth and time on the stairs,
Which never did quite cause us to care. :)

Through our arguing for toys and about who was right,
Through battles for fries and our short fist fights,
You stood your ground like a soldier, upheld,
And we'd all tremble at the sound of your yell.

Then on to teenage angst and pride,
I stand in awe that we got out alive,
But on we trucked through those 'meatloaf' years, :)
No rainbow in the soul if we hadn't shed tears.

Sometimes I walk these cobbled streets,
And trip myself over my own two feet,
I pause and shake my head and laugh,
and know in this you are my other half.

When I can't brush the beaver that is my hair,
When my chocolate craving I cannot bear,
I'm reminded of you,'cause we share this curse,
Better 2 than one, right? Or is it for worse?

When I sometimes wake up to greet the dawn,
I see you with coffee and the news turned on,
Humming a tune and making lunches for the two
Who haven't yet left our little zoo.

You're stronger and wiser as on we climb,
weathered by joy and pain and time,
More stories to tell with every meal,
As laughs replace sadness and all scars heal.

In Mex and DubV, my home time is rare,
But know that a piece of my heart is where
I learned of what love and forgiveness mean,
In the bonds of family, strong and unseen.

Thanks for freedom and for helping to guide,
My way in this life, this sweet, beautiful ride.
Thank you today for the woman you've been,
I cannot wait to be with you again!

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