Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Leavin' my Guanajuato in one week. Bittersweet.

Sad to be leaving:
Amazing friends from all over the world
The café, Andiamo
My fave fruit stand in Mercado Hidalgo
Mis niños de Los Angeles
The colors of the sky, of the city
Yoga at night overlooking the city lights, warm air
Constantly speaking Spanish, learning so much every day
Restaurant serenades by old Rancheros
Cooking meals with friends, and failed attempts to do so
Dancing in such a way that is typical but not gross
People who LOVE to tell stories
Old, wise men who sell vegetables
Roadside quesadillas, Roadside everything
Música de la banda serenades every night out my window, accompanied by hearty laughs
So many cafes, so much goodness. Green manchas, chai de manzana, Chavalatté
My teachers and the way they love us and care about us
Zumba with my homies, feeling Latino
The rich culture and history in every building, on every street, in every family
A world in which I am foreign, having to survive and learn
Falling in love with a place in which I am not meant to stay.

SO Excited for:
Being under the same roof with my whole darn family
Playing guitar
Reading by the lake
Green grass
Thick air
Running through town without slamming into old people
Awesome crazy friends
Presque Isle
Wii yoga with Daddy
Camping with the fam
Honduras and heart preparation for the journey
Better med care, aka people who know how to diagnose and give injections
No diarrhea
Respectful men, being able to smile at people without becoming an object
Wearing shorts
Driving on country roads
Being in a place in which I always have a home and people who I love deeply.

It sure has been a journey! Gotta drink up every second.

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