Friday, April 16, 2010

Bob Esponja y más

Here's some weird-cool-different stuff that I've been noticing in Mexico lately:

--Boxed milk is the "in thing." You don't have to refrigerate it until you open it! Woo. My favie is called "Lala Light."

--Sponge Bob Square Pants (mind you, 4 syllables) is called Bob Esponja Pantalones Cuadrados (11 syllables).

--Vic Vapo Rub is pronounced 'Bick bop o roop.' Kills me.

--The car fumes here smell weird. If you're lucky, sometimes you get a mac 'n cheese scent comin' atcha.

--Cinco de Mayo= not important at all here! The reason Americans love it is because it is the day Mexico defeated France, and I guess the French aren't our favorites.

--A little bottle of sunscreen costs about 15 American dollars (not cute, Mexico).

--"Gordita" or in English, "little fattie girl" is definitely a term of endearment for wives.

--Mexicans believe that if you walk around barefoot at all you will get sick, and that if you go to bed with wet hair your glands will become swollen.

--Chile is the cure for everything--bad food, bad days, illness--they use it on chips, fruit, veggies, in alcoholic beverages, on name it, they got it with chile.

--When you compliment a baby, you have to touch him/her or the parents will be offended. Similarly, if you don't give the cheek kiss upon arrival or before leaving a conversation/party, it's considered very rude. Sometimes it gets a little tiring for the old American girl, but generally it's just great. :)

--The church bells ring every 15 minutes. Many times every fifteen minutes, and all churches are apparently on schedules that are at least 5 minutes different from one another.

--Sunrise is incredible when it touches a city of a million different colors!

Some other stuff:

--Will you guys pray for my family? We have some stuff going on right now with illness and some people not knowing yet.

--Also, for one of my friends here who is going through some big tragedies right now, too.

--And for some of my friends who will be heading on mission this summer! Nick and Brittany, who are heading to India, are in the middle of some big support-raising and preparing their hearts for the journey and whatever it may bring. Addison is studying in Northern Ireland right now but will be in Thailand. Abby and Cassie, as far as I know, will be teaching in Haiti. And my friends Kendra, Carmen and I definitely need prayer as we ready for our time in Honduras. :)

--My address changed! It is:
San Cristobal A5
CP 36000
Guanajuato, Gto México

Love you guys. :)

"Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory..."
Ephesians 3:20-21a

"Christ has no body on earth but yours; yours are the only hands with which He can do His work; yours are the only feet with which He can go about the world; yours are the only eyes through which His compassion can shine forth upon a troubled world. Christ has no body now on earth but yours."
Teresa of Avila

1 comment:

cameron king said...

This is great, Aly! I love hearing about odd detail of culture like this. Thanks for the prayer requests too, shootin' 'em up to the G-O-D!