Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Rainin' Cats n' Dogs!

Because of the rain (it is FLOODIN' out there!), I don't have classes tomorrow! Basically what happens in Mexico is this: they cancel classes for absolutely any and every reason they can find--and I LOVE it!!!!

A few other things I've been loving:

--Every time I pass the houses/stores of my neighbors, there are a bunch of little kids who find huge joy in saying "Hello!" and "How are you?" They get a big kick out of it when I answer in English. Makes my day every day!!

--I joined a gym here where I can lift and take lots of classes! So far I've done Zumba (and feel very Gringa [white], because all of the Mexicans are excellent dancers), spinning, Pilates and Tae Bo.

--I am learning to DANCE, yo!!! I am taking a class every Tuesday and Wednesday through the school with a bunch of other people, and methinks I may take classes twice a week at "El Bar" as well. Woop!!!

--Mi Familia Mexicana--Oswaldo, the 11 year old, has been teaching me Yu-Gi-Oh and Mario on the Wii. He is so precious! Pilar is just great. Miky is my new mejor amigo, Mariana is my breakfast buddy, and I am watching "Meet The Parents" with Gerardo as I type. Ah! Living with these great people has made the transition so much easier, especially because they're so similar to my own family in so many ways.

--Exploring the city, solo. It's been nice to go out on my own a few times just to get lost and find some new places around the city. I've met a lot of great people and great coffee. :)

--Roofs. Yes. Roofs.

--Siestas. Yes. Siestas.

--The impunctuality of Mexican society. Suits me SO VERY well!!

--Ahhh so much more. :) It's crazy to think that I didn't know this beautiful place even existed before October. It is so chock-full of beauty and goodness.

There are a few people who've asked me about my address!! If you'd like it, I HAVE it--just throw me a message on Facebook, or an e-mail at

Love you guys!!!! I hope you're having a great week.

1 comment:

cameron king said...

Aly! This is a great little overview of your life down there, I love it! I should have been born in an Hispanic country because the impunctuality of their lifestyle DEFINITELY speaks to my genetic make-up! Miss you a lot and I'm so glad your life is being so enriched.