Monday, April 20, 2009


"It tapped me on the shoulder today when I got home
I saw everything collecting dust
It made me hope there was something more
I pour over pages, desperate to find out why
The cripple at your table has what I'm longing to find

Teach me how to hum it
Because I don't know the words yet

Help me see the light
I'm reaching through the fight
Yahweh, show me the Kingdom
Arms open wide
Death swallowed up by life
Yahweh, show me the Kingdom"

Ever feel down in the dumps? It's been a rough time lately, I must admit. The weather is doing a great job of personifying the way my heart feels...One of the things I love most about Christ, though, is that he is a wounded healer, and is closest to us in our great need. I read a quote recently that said "The best kind of healer is the wounded healer." How true is that? It is always far more meaningful and refreshing to cast your burdens on someone who knows how you feel--who has been there. And hallelujah, He has!...and he shows us that morning always waits on the other side of night, and even when we get sad, we still have a deep-seated joy because His love is better than life, and the hope he gives is without measure. It's beautiful to think about, and so comforting to know that this time will end! I love it that we always learn so much from these valley times, too--about God and ourselves and other people, I think. We are made stronger, more faithful, and more compassionate.

"In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God's will." --Romans 8:26-27

And may I recommend a song? "It's Going To Be Alright" by Sara Groves. Whenever you're feelin' down...check it out!

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