Sunday, April 12, 2009

Knitting, Easter, Earrings and Be Hope To Her

My Granny taught me how to knit today...and it meant so much to me! She taught me how to crochet when I was 7, and I remember feeling the same way I did today--like I was being passed down an old family heirloom, but better. Like I was understanding, in a way, more of her life story because she had to learn how to do these things during the Great Depression, in order to stay warm.

It is always fun to learn from Granny, because she is so used to doing what she does, that she has no idea how she does it...kind of like the time we tried to get the recipe for her famous fudge. She kept trying to measure the ingredients while she went along, but couldn't get it right! She said, "I can't do this if I measure it! I just have to throw it all in there!" The same goes for knitting...I just have to watch and learn, because to put it into words just doesn't cut it...the magic is inexplicable! She is an incredible woman, who made awesome sweet potatoes today, too! I always choke up when I leave Allegany--oh, how I love her!

We also colored Easter eggs today. :) That's always fun!

I feel like I have pondered the real significance of Easter far more this year than any other--perhaps because of my role in the Passion, or perhaps because my spiritual life has finally come to outweigh other aspects of being. I think a little of both! As I was up on stage as a Pharisee's wife, it pained me greatly to be one of the onlookers shouting, "Crucify Him! Crucify Him!" Definitely some heartsick moments. However, I've been wondering which side I would have been on if I had lived in Jesus' time. I pray that it would have been His, but part of me feels as though I will never understand just how pathetically worthless He looked to the Jews who were awaiting their King. To have been a Jew turning to Christ in that time would mean turning my expectations of my savior around 180 hard is that? Probably very. However, I feel like in other ways, it may have been so much easier to believe He was the Christ, because of His divine, completely surprising words, His loving and gentle way with people, his disregard for earthly troubles. To have seen the Son of Man face to anyway, he is risen! Carrie said something the other night that just hit me in the face. She was talking about how churches sometimes have you write down some things you want to let go of and nail them to the cross, and how "if we don't give our burdens to God, we crucify Jesus all over again, because He died so we could be saved from our sin, not burdened with it more." Pretty awesome.

I am raising money for mission work in Haiti this May! One of the ways I'm attempting to do this is by making and selling earrings for donations! If you are interested, or know someone who would be, let me know! I think I'll be posting some pics of them on Facebook. :)

Oh, and there is a sweeet event coming up on campus called Be Hope To Her. "BH2O+ is designed to be a day of solidarity as students become advocates for those living without access to clean water in the developing world. During the event, ladies on campus will step into the daily experience of women in Africa by walking to a water source and carrying a bucket of water on their heads." All profits are going to be used to build a well in Africa, in hopes that less women will have to spend their entire day carrying water, and may pursue other goals (like education!).

I hope you have a wonderful Easter!!!

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