Sunday, March 1, 2009


Sometimes I feel like everything around me is pointing toward a specific truth that God needs for me to understand. Lately, it's been that I am completely, utterly free in Christ. Chestnut Ridge's series has been "Prison Break" for the past few Sundays, and I just started reading a GREAT book called The Irresistible Revolution, by Shane Claiborne.

Basically what I've been relearning is that the rules are gone. The Old Covenant was wiped out by Jesus' blood, and ALL WE NEED IS HIM. We need not conform to ANYONE, in ANY WAY, whether it be our closest friends or the most "godly" people we know. Paul even goes as far as to say that some people will find things bad, while others don't. If you think something is bad (e.g. eating meat or wearing jeans to church), then for you, it is. If not, then you are under no pressure to think differently.

If we truly love Jesus, then everything else will fall into place. We will want to honor him because of our great love for His sweet truth. If we have his spirit, we needn't worry about talking a certain way or working on the Sabbath or what anyone else thinks of us. The fact of the matter is, there are gray areas. And God gives us freedom to follow our conscience, as long as He's living in us. Sooo simple, yet soooo profound....and definitely something I need to learn over and over again.

In other news, I am turning 20 on Friday, and I am not at all thrilled. I like being a teenager...and all of the biggest decisions happen in your 20s, I think. So that's scary, but exciting too, I suppose. :)

The Passion is coming along quite swimmingly! I am just in awe of all of the talent we have in that, we got our costumes and such!! It's the first weekend in April at Chestnut Ridge!

I finished painting the bathroom blue!

Spring Break is approaching quickly....a group of us are headed to Williamsburg, VA for some building!! It should be amazing.

Our Sola group is doing a skit tonight at sozo...the whole fiery furnace spiel. Should be verrrryyyy interesssttinggg....

And....I am going to Haiti in May!!!!! It was kind of a spur of the moment decision, but I had been praying for mission opportunities for a long time, and this one just came up.

Busy and exciting! And I can feel spring approaching!


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