Sunday, September 18, 2011

Rain in Texas

Welp, the title says it all.  For the first time since I've been here, it rained in north Texas--really rained.  Like, there were puddles.  And we could hear it from inside the house.  

This was on Friday, and it made for some fantastic mud volleyball on Saturday (see below!).  It also made me feel at home in the weather for once in my texan life.  Friday night after eating and playing games with some gals, I just drove around some back roads for a good hour or so.  Sure, it was a waste of gas, but you know what Bob Marley would say: "Time you enjoyed wasting was not wasted."  Same goes for gas.

Slowly, slowly, windows down, music up loud enough for me to be submerged in its goodness, quiet enough not to wake up the whole neighborhood.

The air smelled like pine needles and honeysuckle, and it was so sweet to my soul as I listened to this new bloke on my ipod, a certain Jon Thurlow; his songs really are like rain to me after a long dry season.  They remind me that no matter how I feel day by day, whether less than eloquent, more than arrogant, too busy to get my head on straight, straying like a sheep in heart's affections or completely at rest in the Father's arms, Jesus is always the same. His love toward us is unchanging.  And it's all about HIM anyway.

I think we'll be playing lots of mud volleyball in heaven.  So much fun!!!

1 comment:

Carolyn E. Berlepsch said...

Love the entry :) And LOVE the song. I'm only 3 min in and just decided I need to buy the songs. Love his voice and the words! Praying for you sista! So proud of you!