Sunday, July 10, 2011

Why Texas?

Before this spring, I was fairly certain that the last state in the union in which I would willfully choose to live was Texas. Raised by a couple of left-wing bleeding hearts and fed by a bustling northern mentality, for years I saw the south land (and especially the home state of George Dub) as a big desert hell hole, teeming with vicious rednecks who wore prideful belt buckles and burned Dixie Chicks CDs all day long. There are crazies in every state, but I am pretty sure my stereotype was a little overboard.

In five days, I'll begin the journey of seeing for myself! Woohoo for new pages! Daddy and I will pack up my '99 Honda CRV (just bought the darn thing and it is going NUTS) and drive twenty-one hours through the bible belt all the way to Denton, Texas--my new home for at least a year.

So, why? Why the Lone Star State that is home to armadillos, fire ants, scorpions, poisonous spiders, heatstroke temperatures, tumbleweed and that big blue Amarillo sky? Because God gave me the go-ahead. In thinking, praying, conversing, writing about all the options for what would come after undergrad, the year-long discipleship program in Texas was the only option about which God gave me an inner peace I can't describe.

I was pretty disappointed by it at first, to be completely honest. For a long time, I've felt called to live among people I can be with only by crossing the sea, and my heart is burning to fulfill that calling--but PATIENCE! He is God. I want to know Him and know His Word and love it and wield it as my sword, to draw so much closer to Him in becoming a true warrior in prayer and a greater lover of His Grace. :)

Freedom is sweet! I feel it now, and pray that the heart knowledge of complete freedom in His strong and loving arms just grows and grows and grows this year...

I've always loved just going to new places without thinking too much about packing or too much about what it'll be like when I get there. I know a few faces already, which is really encouraging! But the rest is pure mystery. I only know that I trust in the One leading me, and that is always enough.

"But thanks be to God, who in Christ always leads us in triumphal procession, and through us spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of him everywhere."
-2 Corinthians 2:14

"Let us know; let us press on to know the LORD; his going out is sure as the dawn;he will come to us as the showers,as the spring rains that water the earth."
-Hosea 6:3


Trevor Nieveen said...

You are going to love Texas! Although there a lack of bleeding hearts, there are plenty of hearts on fire for Christ. You're goign to love the larger presence of Hispanic culture, the friendly people, and having a new mission field.

I loved your story about the abuelita. What an awesome story of how God brings people together. In addition, $382 round trip?! Nice! I'm proud of you. Not only for your travel savvy, but just for being fully you.

Can't wait to meet up again in Texas.

Carolyn E. Berlepsch said...

So excited for you and your journey Aly! I cannot wait to see from a distance how you grow and how the Lord uses you! It's so awesome to think back to 4 years ago when we were freshman at WVU and see where the Lord has taken us! Praying for you!! Praying God will continue to fill you with inner peace and bless you abundantly because of obedience and following Him wholeheartedly!

Love you!