Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Update from the 76201!

Well, I'm officially settled in my new home in Denton, and by "settled," I mean that a few important events have occurred:

a) Not dying or getting too lost on our trek from PA to TX

b) Seeing my first official armadillo! It was dead on the side of the road, but an armadillo nonetheless.

c) Getting to know the roommates (I've met 2 of 3, and they are great!) and unpacking all my junk into the room I'll call mine for at least a year. This is what our house looks like. :) It's called the Clifford because it's big and red!

d) Finding a local gym.

e) Finding the best café in town--I've been to four so far, and I think I've got the one that hits the spot! It's called Zera Coffee Company. If you're interested in why it's so cool (besides the great coffee), go here.

f) Buying a sun reflector thing for my front windshield. It was when all of the things in my car started melting that I decided it was time. Ugh.

g) First official break-dancing lesson. My buddy Colin hung out with me one day and taught me a few moves!

h) Job searching--this has been the hard part, because I'm having trouble being willing to apply myself to anything I'm not sure I would love. I realize, though, that I can't just be leaning on a shovel while praying for a hole. I've been applying to several places and attended a job meeting tonight, so we'll see what happens!

i) Hearing "might could" and not being too freaked out by it.

j) Studying the Word with some amazing women. Last night, about ten women of all ages gathered at a house to talk and to pray together. Afterwards, a few of us just sat around eating lemon squares and chatting about life. It feels so good to be forming relationships already and to feel so invited into what is going on here!

I know the love is what makes me feel most settled. It's incredibly encouraging to me that so many people here have been going out of their way to love on me and spend time with me. It's proof to me that the Lord has worked in their lives and that their joy in loving comes from the overflow of their relationships with Him!

Now, naturally, it hasn't all been easy. I think it'll always be hard to move to a place where you don't know anyone well and aren't well-known yet, but I have found so much comfort and peace in the His rod and staff, and in the Word that is full of great and precious promises, wisdom, and displays of His infinite splendor!

Something I've heard quite a few times, and from various women I've spoken to here, keeps playing in my mind:

"I wasn't born a Texas girl, but I got here as fast as I could!"

And you know what? I think I like it. Has a little ring to it. :)

All my preconceived notions about Texas have been smashed to the ground and replaced with praise for all the cool stuff God is doing here. This place and these people have loved me soo well already!

P.S. I like the heat. It's like a big ol' hug from God.

1 comment:

Carolyn E. Berlepsch said...

Glad to read about your beginning in Texas! :) Can't wait to read more about what is going on! I was so encouraged by your two comments on my blog. Thank you!! I am still thinking about "perfect love casts out fear". I will post my thoughts soon. I think I'm onto something - just processing it! Love you tons!!

My friend sent me this in a letter - Psalm 25:10
All the ways of the LORD are loving and faithful for those who keep the demands of his covenant.

I thought it was super encouraging! :) Keep seeking the Lord! He LOVES you!