Sunday, May 29, 2011

Missionary Friends!

Hey guys! I know I just reopened this thing to the public, and so probably don't have many readers, but to those of you who see this, I want to tell you about a few names and missions with which you can keep up and about which you can pray!

My roommate Brittany has just arrived in Fiji and will be an intern there for the next month. Last year, she went to India with Pioneers, and this year has the privilege of working with them again, except on a beautiful island! Woohoo!! You can check out what's going on so far on her blog: And you can pray for her, for the missionary family with whom she's living, for the short-term missionaries she's getting to know and for the people of Fiji who need Christ's love, life, death, and resurrection as much as all of us.

Another Brittany friend will be heading to Uganda on June third to love and serve the people there in whatever way she can. I know she's just been praying that God's will be done and that He prepare her heart for whatever is to come. Britt's blog is

B. Wolfe's siter, Andrea, is about to embark on a journey to the border of Texas and Mexico to be light and salt and peace in a place that obviously needs a lot of it, especially now. In her words, "In the Rio Grande Valley I will be sharing Jesus' love with in need families and children through vbs, kids heart week, shoe donations, church planting, and construction." So cool! Andrea is one of the funniest people I've ever met and has been awesomely moved by God this year, so I know that He will be pouring joy and hope from her heart! Her blog is:

Cam and Sarah are some great friends from Morgantown who devote themselves, basically, to loving college students who then devote themselves to loving high school students. There is far more than that to it, which you can read about here: They are amazing people of God to whom He's given a lot of work and responsibility. Pray for them!

Colin is a guy who went to Honduras with us last year. He just graduated from college and is now planning a 7 month Business as Missions trip in Chiapas, Mexico, where he will be helping bring clean water to the people. And a whole lotta love! Pray for him as he raises support and awareness and prepares his heart!

Ten friends from City Church in Morgantown will be heading down to El Salvador in July to work with a mission there and to do whatever they can to help. The mission, begun to bring food and education (and other important things) to people who live on the side of a volcano, has been really impactful there.

Keep praying for Didasko Children's Home in Támara, Honduras; that the kids would truly come to know Jesus' neverending love and that Rhonda, the house parents, and the teachers would be overflowing wells of His goodness, peace, joy and love.

Friends of Ft. Liberté in Haiti needs your prayers and support, too! They are doing a bunch of work on King's Orphanage right now, and continue to bring medical aid and sponsorship of children to the village.

This year, I've been exposed to some homes for kids right here in the U.S., and they need a lot of encouragement and sustenance. These two in particular are for adolescents, many of whom have been in trouble with the law, failing school, or experiencing hard times in their families. The first is in Michigan, and is called Promise Village.

The second is here in Edinboro, and is called Hermitage House. These two organizations work differently in many ways, but have the same mission of showing the kids they are loved and that there are great plans for their lives. Many of these guys and gals have to return to their families after some months, which can be extremely difficult.

Send me a message if you find this page and are interested in hearing more about these missions or if you'd like to support these people or the organizations.

"You also must help us by prayer, so that many will give thanks on our behalf for the blessing granted us through the prayers of many" -2 Corinthians 1:11

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