Monday, November 29, 2010

Thanksgiving Dinner (sushi included)

This Thanksgiving was atypical to say the least, but amazing nonetheless! On top of the 7 of us in my immediate family, we had six of Daddy's Korean students over for dinner and our family friends, Caroline and Paul.

The girls were great--all of them fell in love with our dogs except one, who nearly fainted any time Buddy came near her.

They brought with them sushi and some yummy noodle dish, and of course we had our turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, sweet potatoes, the works. I loved learning about what was culturally acceptable to them--none of them spoke during the meal, but afterwards, they paid close attention to whoever was speaking; whenever the person who was speaking breathed, all of them would chime in with "Ahh"s and "Ohh"s. :) So sweet!

I hear rumors in English class that the "original" Thanksgiving never quite happened, that the friendly gathering at Plymouth of the English settlers and the Native Americans is a myth, and they were really just killing each other. I like to believe, though, that somewhere in that colonizing time, there were indeed some totally different people groups who decided to call it quits in the war game for just a day and to share a meal. It's beautiful when people from different countries, backgrounds and ideas about life find a way to come together at a table over hot bread and a glass or two of red wine.

Other Thanksgiving happenings include eating leftovers, our puppy chewing off half the cover of my medieval Spanish lit book, playing Boggle, watching college football and drinking hot cocoa. And it snowed!!!

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