Monday, July 5, 2010

Momentitos de Alegría

• Kevin put stickers all over his face right before falling asleep tonight.

• Instead of singing 'Happy Birthday to you,' the kids say, 'Sapo verde to you.' (Green frog to you.)

• I asked Michelita what she was doing in the bathroom for such a long time, and she told me, ‘Estoy haciendo un montón de poopoo!’ (I am making a mountain of poop!)

• Ada jammed a cue-tip in her ear and was crying because it hurt, and Norma recommended putting breast milk inside of it. Diana told Kendra and I that we could use our chi-chis. Melva said later that Ada needed breast milk in her ear, too.

• Zulema pooped on the side of Rhonda’s house today and Tati peed in Zulema’s bed.

• ‘Sueña con Dios y los Angelitos,’ Jasmin told me tonight. 'Dream with God and the little angels.'

• The gringos came today and gave away all kinds of gifts, painted nails and played ‘Simon Says.’ I asked Kevin if he liked the gringos—he said yes, I asked why, and he answered, ‘Porque nos traen muchos regalos!’ (Because they bring us a lot of presents!)

• A kid broke his wrist today on the playground. Rhonda got to treat the family to Popeye’s chicken for the first time in their lives and they loved it!

• Kendra ate Sopa de Mondongo yesterday. Cow stomach soup.

• For the 4th of July, we made hamburgers and fries and banana pudding!

• Melva is awesome. Before the girls fell asleep tonight, she read a devotional that spoke of the way we need not dress ourselves on the outside to impress because we are precious to the God who looks on the heart. She cares sooo much about these kids. Melva grew up here, herself, but is now about my age. She’s a lover.

• The boys like to pee on the floor and in each other’s shoes. Pretty much every night.

• The Hondurans don’t like white people to be in the sun. I was sitting on the grass listening to Jorge yesterday, and some little girls came over to cover me with an umbrella.

• The kids called Kendra ‘cabezona’ (big head) and Brayan told her it meant ‘beautiful.’ Kendra has been called several other different names since our arrival: Brenda, Gladys, Gloria, Kenbra…the list goes on.

• Jeremías 29:11--the kids recite it before every meal. 'Porque yo soy muy bien los planes que tengo para ustedes, afirme el Señor. Planes de bienestar y no de calamidad. Al fin de darles un futuro y una esperanza.'

1 comment:

Abby said...

I miss you girls so much. Praying for ya everyday. Can't wait to swap stories.