Thursday, June 17, 2010

Adventure Coming Quickly

I'd like to ask for your prayers. In less than a week, Kendra and I are heading to Honduras--to be exact, Didasko Orphanage in Tamara, where we'll be teaching English for a month to beautiful children and build relationships with the people we meet along the journey. I am so excited, but so in need, too!

Lately I have felt weak and unprepared, like I fell a few steps back in becoming the woman I know God wants me to be. I know that any guilt and frustration I feel is the opposite of what God wants for me--He wants for me to feel wholly loved, redeemed, supported, and strong. An awesome friend sent me a few words of encouragement the other night, aware of the pain I feel. In Isaiah, it says that each one of us is precious in His eyes, and honored, and He loves us. My friend stressed to me that I belong to Christ, and it is something I cannot change. And He will never let go of me no matter where I go. She sent me some of Isaiah 43, which declares our God is one of newness and redemption, of beauty from ashes and healing when we feel like it is impossible.

"Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert...the people whom I formed for myself that they might DECLARE MY PRAISE."

It is lovely indeed to know that it's not up to me. That I only need to allow Christ's grace to work in my life. Hardship calls us to cry out to the only one we can really cling to, it builds endurance and insight and compassion and humbles us to see life and people in a very real light. I am thankful!

Please pray that we would be effective in our mission to teach, but moreso times a billion, in our mission of love and forming relationships which echo in eternity for the glory of God! That He would strip us of our fear and make us passionate, bold lovers who are willing to sacrifice our time, talents, belongings, and hearts for each soul we meet on this trip. That we would grow and encourage one another in the truth and be made servants who stand strong in the face of every trial we meet.

Thank you for your love!!

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