Wednesday, October 28, 2009

A Tribute to Mi Padre

Today is my Daddy's 51st birthday, so I thought I'd tell you guys a little bit about this wonderful guy. I was recently reading about how our view of God tends to be reflective of our relationship with our earthly father. We understand more of who God is because of our dads' character. It got me thinking...what do I love about my dad? What about him has made me fall more in love with God? Here are just a few things...

1) His sense of wonder for everything good and beautiful. When I think of my dad, I think dreamer. He is a professor, but in his spare time he loves to paint, to write (poetry, deep thoughts), to hike, to walk around and take pictures, to play games with us. He is always commenting on the color of the sky or the perfection of a song he recently heard. He lives his life in praise, and that has always encouraged me to keep seeking for the source of it all and to see God in everything.

2) His servant heart. My dad quietly serves all of us all the time, never asking for recognition or returned favors. I always catch him doing little things to make our lives easier. Witnessing this quality lived out in daily life has helped me understand Jesus better and to know how service changes lives in such huge ways.

3) His intense, particular love for each one of us. My dad loves us, plain and simple. And he wants to see each of us live for our passions while using our gifts. He has always been willing to sit down for a late night chat about life decisions, problems with school or sports or friends, and he values everything we have to say. He hears us out and gently offers advice, understanding how each of us works. He brings out the best in us. "Love each other as God loves each one of you, with an intense and particular love." -Mother Teresa <--my dad does this!

4) He gives us freedom. My dad never kept us too close, but encouraged us to explore the world and to find our place in it. He wants us to take risks, to sail away from the safe harbor, and to make a difference in the world. God does, too.

5) He is awesome. We want to know him more, and he wants to know us more. He actually didn't want me to buy a car, not only for my own financial well-being, but because he loves driving me to and from school--we get to talk! I love him more and more with every day spent with him! You guessed it. God, too.

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