Tuesday, February 10, 2009


There are so many things that we are deeply grateful for, but sometimes we don't let that thankfulness resonate our lives...Here are a few of the things I am thankful for today. :D

1) My family--they came to visit me over the weekend! For someone in a family of 7, it is a treat just to be able to talk to my parents for more than a few minutes, let alone see the dern folks! They came down here on Saturday with Sheazy and spent the day with me. We ate at Black Bear (da best place for some yums in Motown), and spent a few hours reminiscing. :) It is cool to look back on life with the people who've known you all along, to see the things that have made you who you are--the good, the bad, the ugly--to be able to laugh at things that once made you cry, etc. etc. Shea is just amazing, and wise beyond her years--she made me laugh the whole time because she kept sending me texts that just said, "hi." I guess you had to be there... :)

Here we are in front of our "Africa Wall"

2. The Word. God-breathed and so trustworthy, it has just been lifting me out of fear and doubt so much lately.

3. Friendships, old and new. One of the very best things He gives us! I love this quote by C.S. Lewis: “Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art, like the universe itself (for God did not need to create). It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things which give value to survival.”

4. Swimming. I have finally gotten back in the pool, and it is UH-MAY-ZING. It truly is. It is one of the few places where my mind is at rest, where I actually feel somewhat graceful, where I can have fun while being healthy...and I've met a ton of cool people at the pool lately!

5. Springtime in the air. My sense of smell is perhaps my strongest sense, and MAN! I can just feel the newness of everything already. Yes, we'll probably get iced out again, but these teasing days have just reminded me so much of how God makes US new. It will not be winter forever!!

6. Opposition. It builds us UP! It has been cool in this past year or so, to finally come to a place in my faith where I can welcome opposition without feeling disheartened.

7. Clean water. 1.1 billion people in our world don't have it, plain and simple.

8. The opportunity to love those people and make a difference in their lives. Nuru and Dry Tears are a few organizations that are centered around this mission.

9. Opportunities to love, period. It's everything!!!

10. The great JC--the greatest gift any of us could ask for,the answer to all of our longing,the one who makes hope and joy possible.


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