Monday, January 26, 2009

Full Color

So, I've decided to start writing in so-called "blog." My last serious blogging experience was around 9th grade--I'm more of a private writer--but after being inspired recently by the blogs of some friends, I thought, "Heck! Why not?!" am I!

Hmmm....God is everywhere lately, isn't he? I guess it's always the case, but I just feel him moving in the life of every person I meet, He's in every song I hear and every wintery nook and cranny of nature. Everything is in full color right now. How can doubt so often pervade my thoughts? How do I forget so often who it is I'm living for?

Last week at a bible study, we talked about Colossians--the part where Paul talks about taking off the old self and being renewed day by day--I love that, because instead of being stuck in sin, in a life that seems to be going fabulously one minute, and then -BAM!- ya hit rock bottom.....instead of that, we're given the chance, the love, and the mercy to be renewed, refreshed, revived--EVERY DAY! God knows that we suck at life, but his Spirit is one that doesn't give up. Really quite awesome.

I've seen quite a few awe-inspiring videos lately that just break me every time I see them. In the first, John Piper, a pastor whom I am really inspired by, talks about the "prosperity gospel" that has sadly been seeping into the veins of our culture for some time now. In the second, an awesome worship leader named Kim Walker simply sings of His great, deep, awesome love.

"Love's like a hurricane I am a tree
bending beneath the weight of His wind and mercy..."

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